He looked at me in blank amazement. 他带着迷茫惊诧的神情望着我。
A bill is payable to bearer which is expressed to be so payable, or on which the only or last indorsement is an indorsement in blank. 凡汇票载明付款予持票人者,或票上唯一或最后之背书为无记名背书者,均属以持票人为收款人之汇票。
Results In blank group, the hippocampal structure was clearly viewed, dense neurons with plenty cytoplasm and deep-dyed big nucleolus were observed. 结果空白对照组:海马轮廓清晰,CA3区神经元细胞密集,胞浆丰富,核大深染,细胞间排列整齐,界限清楚;
The ζ potential of Hap in blank solution is negative, and the electronegative values increase as pH increases. Hap在空白溶液中的表面电动电势ζ为负值,且随pH值的增加其电负性增大。
We watch in blank dismay as she packed her bag. 我们瞧著她打行李,感到无可奈何。
The inside painting is painted by a special deformation fine pens in the glass, crystal, amber and other materials in blank pots to paint a particular picture, elegant style, delicate artwork by hand. 内画的画法是以特制的变形细笔,在玻璃、水晶、琥珀等材质的壶坯内,手绘出细致入微的画面,格调典雅、笔触精妙。
An order bill of lading may be negotiated with endorsement to order or endorsement in blank; 指示提单:经过记名背书或者空白背书转让;
At present the research of domestic this course is in blank condition almost, and abroad is mixed about finance in geographical document of the money, it is a paper partly greatly very. 目前国内该学科的研究几乎处于空白状态,而国外关于金融和货币的地理学文献中,很大一部分是论文。
We suggest putting some copper in blank area on top side to improve plated quality. 建议加在顶层空白区域加些铜以提高电镀质量。
The iron and magnesium phase mostly appeared white amorphous state and was continuously spread in blank phase and gray phase. 铁镁相多数呈现白色无定形状,连续延伸于黑色相与灰色相中;
A document issued to bearer is acceptable where the credit requires an insurance document endorsed in blank and vice versa. 如果信用证要求空白背书式的保险单据,则保险单据也可开立成来人式,反之亦然。
Structural feature mapping in blank design of integral panel with high flanges and grid ribs Analysis of radial displacement during forming process of Stretch Forming Latticed Structure 网格式高筋条整体壁板毛坯展开中结构特征映射方法研究与应用张拉成形网格结构成形过程径向位移分析
He expected the girl to look at him in blank astonishment. 他以为那女店员又会瞠目结舌茫然以对。
ETRA was expressed on the basilar artery both in blank group and puncture group. 在正常组、穿刺组和盐水组的基底动脉内ETRA有表达;
Draft must be accompanied by full set original on board marine Bill off Lading made out to order, endorsed in blank, marked freight prepaid. 汇票必需附有结果套版印刷有“货物收清”字样的正本海运提货单,凭指示、空缺违书,并写明“运脚已经付”。
Shakespeare's plays are written in blank verse. 莎士比亚的剧本是用无韵诗体写的。
He works in blank verse occasionally. 他偶尔写无韵诗。
"Bearer" means a person in possession of a negotiable instrument, document of title, or certificated security that is payable to bearer or indorsed in blank. “持票人”指占有凭票付款或空白背书的流通票据、所有权凭证或实物证券的人。
An indorsement may be made in blank or special. It may also contain erms making it restrictive. 背书可为无记名背书或特别背书,亦可附有条件,使其成为有限制背书。
Insurance policy or certificate in negotiable form for at least 170 percent of commercial invoice value, endorsed in blank covering all risk including war risks. 可议付的保险单据,至少以商业发票金额的170%计,空白背书,承保一切险,含战争险。
As a safety measure the bills of exchange should be endorsed in blank to the collecting bank or correspondent bank. 作为一种安全的付款方式,汇票应对代收行或者代理行进行空白背书汇票。
Insurance Policy or Certificate In two negotiable forms indicating "Original" and "Duplicate" Plus one Non-Negotiable Copy endorsed in Blank. 信用证要求两份可转让保单,并注明正本和复本,和一份不可转让复本,空白背书。
Many Elizabethan plays are written in blank verse. 伊丽莎白时代的许多戏剧以无韵诗形式写成。
The defect area filled with fibro scar tissue and only many fibroblasts could be seen in blank control group. 空白组12周骨缺损区为纤维瘢痕组织填充,镜下主要为大量成纤维细胞。
The experts thought that the product filled in blank of the domestic relevant application, belonged to domestic initiation and the technology had reached the international advanced level. 经专家鉴定,该产品填补了国内相关应用领域的空白,属国内首创,该技术达到了国际先进水平。
The purpose of this thesis is to do contribute creatively and fundamentally to china's related research by theory analysis and empirical study, which has been in blank condition for a long time. 本研究旨在通过相关的理论分析和实证研究的方法,力求在目前我国暂时处于空白状态的中学媒体素养教育的研究方面做出些许的基础性和开创性贡献。
Disability income insurance is almost in blank in China's insurance practice. 失能收入损失保险目前在我国保险实务中几乎处于空白状态。
Increase putting into operation, using science and technology first and fill in blank space; 加大投入,科技先行,填补产业空白;
In blank control group, medullary cavity was closed and bones were not connected. 空白对照组髓腔封闭,形成骨不连。